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Wind direction anemometer

Wind Sensor

Wind Sensor

Wind speed and direction sensor can be widely used to measure atmospheric wind parameters in agriculture, forestry, environment, ocean, scientific investigation and other fields. It can be used for teaching and equipping primary and secondary schools to carry out extracurricular meteorological observation activities. This instrument adopts traditional and reliable high sensing technology, combined with advanced data processing technology, can simultaneously measure instantaneous wind speed, average wind speed, instantaneous wind level, average wind level and so on. It is mainly used for temporary observation of ships, mountains and islands in the field. For military purposes, it can be installed in warships, observation stations, islands, water huts, special vehicles and other temporary observation points to collect and transmit real-time meteorological information data.

  • Position accuracy: 10-15m

  • Wind speed: KM/H, MHP, M/S, KNOTS

  • Error: ±3Kn

  • Wind Direction: 120 Point Wind Direction Indicator

  • Standby power supply: 12-24VDC

  • Sensor cable: 25m

Major Component

Position sensor, wind direction sensor, wind speed sensor, signal synthesis processing board, transmitter part, display.

Main Output Information

Location, time, date, wind direction and wind speed can be directly connected to the computer.

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